Wednesday, January 17, 2007

How to be Happy?

I think being happy differs from one to one according to what he likes.
I searched for how to be happy and I found that it is done in 6 steps only which are:

STEP 1: Figure out what is important to you in life.
STEP 2: Think about times when you have felt happy.
STEP 3: Decide to make more time in your life to do more of what is important to you and makes you feel happier. To be happy, you have to make happiness a priority in your life.
STEP 4: Start with little things and work up to bigger ones. Little things might be reading for 15 minutes; taking a walk; calling a friend.
STEP 5: Focus on what is positive about yourself, others and life in general instead of dwelling on the negative. In a paper, write down as many positive things as you can think of. Keep it handy to read over, and continue adding to it.
STEP 6: Appreciate what is working in your life right now. In the major areas of your life, such as your health, job, love life, friends, family, money and living situation, what is going .

And the daily affirmation :

This was what books say;
But I also have my opinion which I want to say :)
To be happy (As my priorities)is when you feel that:
1-Allah is satisfied with what you do,
2-People love you(sure not all of them) but at least who are around you,
3-Nobody is upset with you,
4-You helped someone,
5-You are a successful person,
6-You are in a good health(To be fit).

Something that is very important is not to think of what upsets you,
in arabic "TEKABAR DEMAGAK" :D, I really need to do that.


Asmaa Magdi said...

taba3an lazem tesma3y kalamy we awel matela2eeny ba2ollek mafeesh new posts leeh te2oomy 3amla new post ;) aiwa keda, 3ayzaky dayman motee3a (Y) :D

Well, it's a nice post actually that makes one thinks about his/her life. About me, I don't do all the 6 steps of being happy, but I still consider myself as a happy person :D. This is for what the book says.

About ur points b2a :D, I think u can put them all in one point which is "1". I think el ba2y motafarre3 menha aw somehow related leeha.

And it gives you another gr8 feeling beside being happy. When Allah is satisfied with what u do, u feel satisfied too. bass beyeb2a betaree2a tanya keda mafeesh zayaha. ana garrabt el feeling da before (not for a long time lel 2asaf), bass bgd ba7ess en el 7ayah mo7'talefa.

Ya Rabb yeb2a Rabbena satisfied with us 3latoooooooool 3shan ne7ess en el donia gameela we neb2a Happy :D

Nice post ;), sorry for the loooong comment ;)

Roaa Mohammed said...

Long time no posts..
Welcome Back Blogging.. :)

nice post... I like ur points too, but maybe "takbeer el dema3'" sa3at lama beyzeed 3an 7addo beyeb2a sa7ee7 el wa7ed happy bas msh very true happiness..

I'm with u & Asmaa.. Allah satisfaction is the most imp thing for feeling true happiness.. also "satisfaction" with urself is really so imp..

May All ur life be Happy Semsema :)

Asmaa Magdi said...

Semsema de ta3ood 3la meeeeeeeeeeeen :P.

a3taked enaha Yasmine :D

Roaa Mohammed said...

She's "Semsema" b4 you b keteer :D
(m3lesh ya Asmaa)

Yasmine Ahmed said...

Thanks for your comments, and thanks for making the blog a funny one :D

Asmaa Magdi said...

To Roaa :D
:huuh, I said enny a3taked enaha ta3ood 3la Yasmine :huuh, y3ny 3ady no problem 7'ales :huuh :P:P

bass so2al mohem geddan :D, heya "before u be keteer" de 3shan she is ur friend before me walla 3shan heya el kebeera ^o) ??!!

ana 3'elsa awy :D :P

Anonymous said...

well, i think that the things that make anyone happy is like a circle of rings related to eash other to be happy they must all happen,first of all is Allah satisfaction,second and in my opinion is very important is our satisfaction about every thing happen to us,third and last,i think of myself to be happy i must feel that all people around me are happy too,i mean people who i care about,and that can't happen all the time, so in my opinion happiness isn't easy as anyone can imagine and that may be the reason when you ask some one :what is the meaning of happiness? you may have no answer or have distinct answers,but also isn't impossible to achieve,we just shold know how to love each other properly,
i love you all my friends:D

Anonymous said...

i just wanted to add somthing that what i mentioned is just a complementry of what you mentioned:)

Yasmine Ahmed said...

Thanx gogonut for ur comment,
to be happy is very difficult as you say,
and I agree with you that I feel happy when I find my friends happy.
I love u my friends sooo much:)

For Asmaa:
I deleted the comments as u wished(2y 7'edma :D)