Friday, January 19, 2007

Stupid replies

Many times while you are talking to someone you say something that you regret about saying it, after a while...when you thought of it later.

These are some reasons which I think it makes us say stupid replies:
1- It might be coz you are not concentrating with the one you are talking to, and then you recognize that he is asking a question and waiting for you to say something, so you say anything coz you have to guess what was the question.

2-It might be coz you didn't hear the question and embarrassed to ask for saying it twice so you say anything not related to the question.

3-If you are not interested in the conversation you are in and don't want to make the one talking to you to feel that ,so you say any stupid sentence then you think that it would be better if you remained silent.

4-If you don't understand what people (sitting with you) are talking about and then someone asked your opinion ...I think you have to replay ;)

5-If you are trying as hard as you can not to say something, then you say it coz you always think about it.

6- When you talk to two persons at the same time trying to finish one of the conversations to concentrate with only one.

I think when you feel embarrassed, you always say stupid things.

But most of these situations happen with people you don't know well, and most of them happened to me:$.


Anonymous said...

well,i agree with you jessy and that may be the reason why we say that'el sekoot men dahab',by the awy this situation happened to me several times, but the best way you can deal with it is to forget it and act as if you didn't say any thing, however talking is very important to know each other well and i think that talking or saying suitable sentences even in the situations you mentioned is a talent or may be a skill that we should practise to have it.

Roaa Mohammed said...

I think everyone of us has moments of great stupidness.. & it depends on ur luck when that moment comes to you, who will u be talking to at that time??
but u know sth, that depends on ur character also... fe nas beyeb2a 3andohom est3dad fetry le kedah..
Anyway, I'm the last person who should speak about that cause I'm doing really so stupid things recently.. (remember wt I did in the automata exam :S :D) .. f3lan el wa7ed sa3at msh beyeb2a meralez howa bey3mel a walla bey2ool a... :S
Rabena yehdeena...

Anonymous said...

Yes Yasmoon that's really true ..
but i think this happens a lot because of losing concentration at the time someone is talking to u...
also some times u r talking to someone
and he leave ..its really a bad situation that let u angry so much
but i have a solution for that not to let people get angry from u ..when u feel that u lose concentration while someone talking to u u have to tell him that ur mind is really busy wz sth and u couldn't concentrate right now ...i think this would be better than answering any body wz stupid answers...
u r not going to take a degree for ur answers ;)