Thursday, March 22, 2007

My friends' categories

Business_is_Business Friends: They are a kind of friend who love you and like to talk to you coz they are your friends ,but once they need something related to their "masla7a" they forget about their friends at all.
To be more obvious I will give an example; If you are saying that you want both to understand sth from a person and she saw that person when you are not there she goes to understand alone although she can call her friend ,and can see this person another time..(This is a small example for many ones).

Acting Friends: They are a kind of friend who also love you and care for you too much which is a good thing,but when she does sth annoying to you she begins acting as I feel myself. I don't know why I feel this but I think she is saying things not coming from her heart,only saying this just not to make me sad , and as I feel it is not from her heart I don't feel what she says and feel that I am more annoyed. I really don't want her to act, just say what she feels or say nothing.

Forgetting Friends: This kind of friend sometimes forgets that her friend needs care from her, needs to share her annoyings ,her happiness, she won't always give without taking, and won't always hear you without talking to you.

Comforting Friends: They try not to make me upset from them .They are always hearing me when I want to talk ,when I am annoyed trying to comfort me , and although sometimes what I say they feel that it is sth not annoying they respect my feelings without telling me that I am exaggerating.

Fate Friends: People whom you become a friend to by fate, e.g. you see each others every day, sit and talk. And you might be not liking the same things or not having the same interests, but you became friends and will continue isA.

Funny Friends: They can't be called friends, coz our relation is just joking and kidding with each others no more .But, I called them my friends coz I love them and want to be their friend not just a person to joke with.

I love those six kinds of friends. And I am always here to hear them and share their feelings.

Note: Some of my friends are included in more than one category.

I only wrote this post coz I wanted to narrate annoying situations happened to me, and I thought if I say it that way, it will be better.


Asmaa Magdi said...

Salamo Alikom Yasmine,
About these kinds of friendships I think you are right.

But I wanna tell you something ya Yasmine. You won't ever find a perfect friend cuz you won't ever find a perfect person. You will find some people that are a mixture of these categories. Don't be sad if someone did something bad to you or forgot you once. kol el nas bete3mel keda we da mesh ma3naah en el nas de we7sha. mateftekreesh enno keda el bent de mesh ur friend, heya bass makansh asdaha.

Friendship is loving ur friends whoever they were and forgiving them for their mistakes.

Yasmine Ahmed said...

Thanx Asmaa for your comment :)

You know sth, I was afraid when I was writing this post to be understood wrongly that I am talking about what annoys me from my friends and i am not that perfect person to say so(as there is no perfect person as you said), I know I sometimes annoy my friends , but I really tries not to annoy anyone.

I was just getting out my feelings through writing.

Roaa Mohammed said...

Please tell me in wt category(if not categories) am I in??

Nice post.. & please don't be upset from me in any situation.. sometimes el wa7ed beyeegy 3ala his friends & family cause he knows that they should never be annoyed.. They feel you & they understand you...
sry if I annoyed you one day, you know we are always the best friends..

Asmaa Magdi said...

I understand ya Yasmine why you wrote this :D. 3ady y3ny sa3at el wa7ed bey7ebb yetkallem keda we ye2ool elly gowah :D

About ur question ya Roaa, ana haseeb Yasmine taba3an tegaweb 3leeh ;) but for me I think en ana "now" is one of ur "funny friends" :$

Yasmine Ahmed said...

Yes Asmaa, you are one of my funny friends law makansh yeday2ik :D
ama rady 3la so2al Roaa f ana kan nefsy hya te3raf lewa7daha,
bas ma3erfetsh w kaman makontesh 3ayza 2a2olaha bas 2oltelha w 7'alas:( bas benty w benha ,
bas 2olily 2nty ya Asmaa teftekry Roaa w ana are which type of friends?

Anonymous said...

well jessy, idon't understand what u r talking abt in the 1st category at all yemken ghabaa aw asar el mozakra but i need 2 undersatand,,,and abt acting friends i think that when ur friend act this may be coz she doesn't wanna u to be upset and this is a nice feeling however i prefer truth more , u just should talk to her to be more abvious,,,and abt the fun category i think if the relation is just having fun it can't be friendship it may be just a higher degree of 'zamala',,,finally i hope u got me :)coz it's just an opinion not wisdom:D

Asmaa Magdi said...

About you and Roaa:
I'm wondering why u didn't put the most important category of friendship "TRUE Friends". I think this is ur relationship with Roaa.

But if I have to choose men el mawgodeen I will say "Fate Friends". Roaa told me before how ur mothers were friends and how u know each other men zamaaaaaaan :D.

It could be also "Comforting Friends". Roaa is a gr8 person and loves to help her friends in their problems.

Finally b2a, I can't ignore the fact that is Roaa is so funny :D, so akeed heya fel "Funny Friends" bardo :D.

So was I close enough :D ??!!

Yasmine Ahmed said...

To Gogo:
About the 1st kind of friend I will explain it to u later,
about funny friends I said in the post why I called them friends
(return to LINE 34) :D,
about acting friends ba2a:D
It is a good thing that your friend try not to annoy you, but a bad thing that you don't feel what she says,
but thanx Gogo I spoke to her about that :)

To Asmaa:
Nice from you to put a new category "TRUE friends" :D
I think that all my friends are somehow true friends and that is why I called them friends,
But sry Asmaa the only right guess you guessed for Roaa was the comforting friends and sure she is a true friend, but you didn't know the rest of her categories...
But thanx for your trials :D

Unknown said...

Hi yasmine!i can't believe that i finally opened ur blog.First i wanna know which type of friend i am.second i think friends are the most important thing in didn't mention the so-called friends type i think this type is the most important type cos it makes u appreciate ur true friends.
friendship is all about support and being there for ur if any of ur friends including me upset u just try to 2eltameselhom el ozr cos they certainly don't mean it and we re just human beings and we can't do everything right.bas kefaya keda.

Yasmine Ahmed said...

e7l ya Nayera, a7'eran u read my blog bas isA mesh a7'er marra:D

I think u can guess which kind of friend r u ;)

Asmaa Magdi said...

enty 3amlalna e7'tebar walla eh :P

kol ma 7ad ye-comment te2oleelo guess enta which type feehom !!

Yasmine Ahmed said...

Mashy ya Asmaa :D,
mesh 3arfa anty beteda7'aly leh :P, ana mesh 2oltelik al type beta3ik 7'alas :P
Bera7ty ba2a a3mel 2li ana 3ayzah :D

ana kont 3ayza a3mel comment 3la 7aga 2aletha Roaa bas kol da ma3amaltesh;

To Roaa:
about saying " sometimes el wa7ed beyeegy 3ala his friends & family cause he knows that they should never be annoyed.. They feel you & they understand you..."

well, I liked this sentence so much, but I want to say that coz u r my friend I am annoyed coz I didn't expect what u did, but coz u r my friend I will forgive u and u will forgive me too ;)

To nayera:
I forget to ask u what is so-called friends? I didn't understand you.If you mean "as7ab w 7'alas", u will find them included in those categories.

Unknown said...

the so-called friends are the ones who the only reason they would talk to you is that they need something from you.and whenever you need them they're never there.

Yasmine Magdi said...

Yasmine, bgd nice post, I like it so much. ma3lesh too late bas better than never ;)
You know, I am happy with it for some reason, I am sure we are not fate friends or even fun friends, I am sure we have true friendship, and although I don't c u often, but you are one of the people who I cannot afford losing their friendship, coz u care about me as much as I care about you, and each one of us does not want the other to do sth wrong abadan, so we advise each other 3alatol.
Ya rab nefdal Friends Forever :)

Anonymous said...

Great work.