Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Need something new

When u feel not ease ,hating what u r doing ,and feeling that u don't like to give ,then u have to change.

you can change yourself,what u r doing,what u r thinking about,people u r around(if they r bad ones)but u know you can't change all around u.

But really i don't know what I really have to change...

I changed a lot in myself but feeling that I have to change more,
I can't change what I am doing as this is my college,my courses that i have no other choices to do,
I tried a to change some people around me but I failed e7l,but I think this year I love all around me(I think that God is gifting me).
Therefore,I think I have to change what i am thinking about...ok

What ba2a am I thinking about :
1-My college(I want to start studying coz midterm is becoming nearer..and the project"rabena yostor");
2-My Life(I want to drive,learn more things and be a good muslim);
3-My friends(they are changing with huge rate and I really want to know WHO ARE MY FRIENDS?)

No one can live without it,and only bad ones(who has meaningless life) who try to leave it to others.

So what do u think I can change??!!

What I have to do now is to Smile a very big large Family-size SMILE to life and begin carrying out my responsibilities and have them done to feel the joy of success "w Allah hwa al mosta3an".


Roaa Mohammed said...

nice post yasmine.. nice to see you talking (cause I really missed that state)

yeah, I can sense the change in this whole year.. not only you.. I can feel everything is changing around & inside me...

wt else you should change.. mm.. I dunno.. but I think we all should change our attitude.. msh 3arfa leeh, but we all are having a gloomy attitude this year..

Anyway, waiting for the fun days to come back again.. the mid-terms are approaching & so is our chatting together ;) :) ..

I really miss u..

Anonymous said...

bgad nice post yasmine, ana d5lt ur blog bel-sodfa, w 3oza a2olek en ana kaman 5reget fcis ainshams,
about changing b2a try to do something new u never done it before even law 3andek exams i know en fatret el exams deh btob2a s3ba..try to make something strange and new, w ana 3andy fkra leke try enek tgarbyha w tfakry feha 2bl matrfodeha okay?!! go to a public place like azhar park or go to any gnena 3la el nile like om kolthom and begin to study u can take with u one of ur best friends not in fcis and start to study with her, also take with u some fun things like chipsy and el 7agat bta3et 3am fat7y deh :D:D,kaman try enek to start a new sport like gym sports maslan..w akeed ente bt7by 7agat aktar mn kda, ro7e el3aby boling fe el ka3et el poling fe nasr city.
after that u will feel very happy and will discover alot of things in u .
hope my word be usefull isa
Sara "SC Dept"

Yasmine Ahmed said...

To Ro2a:
thanx for ur comment,
& really miss our studying days ;
it is coming nearer isA.

To Sara:
I am so happy to c ur comment,
I really liked ur idea
but about sports I think there is no time for it, but I will try it isA.

Anonymous said...

7elwa el post de ya jessy esp enaha lamsa nas kteer awy ana wa7da menhom tab3an,i think enena 3arfeen e7na 3ayzaeen ne3'ayar eh bs el moshkela fel our"will" y3ny ana bab2a mota7amesa le 7aga awy we kelma so3'ayara bet7'aleeny arga3 le ra2yey n i know en da 3eb feya i'm a big hesitator but i'm fixing it bgd we 7assa en fe ta7ason kebeer,n somtimes we r afraid of changing la2en mawdoo3 el changing da momken yeb2a fe risk showaya,that's what i' think

Anonymous said...

We define our characters by staring at others...when we'r kids we used to look and internally say i wish to have this guy's confidence, i wish talk the way this girl talks, i wish..., i wish...

We are who we like to be...and this is a constant and undefeatable rule in the whole entire universe, that applies on every single human being...even on those sayin "i dun like who i m".
Take ur memories back in time, remember when u wished learning this or that,when u saw ur religious friend and decided it's time take actions and waste no more time, when u first read that amazing blog and wished having ur own blog...Et Voila! u knew what u wanted to be knowing, u started learning about your religion, and u r reading comments on ur own blog right now!

You chose who you are, and so you friends did...
You are on constant change, and so they are...
Till Sometimes u all change heading to different destinations and it makes u stop and think what is this strong bound that keep u hangin together, and sometimes the answer comes simply : nothing.

let me tell u smth..there isn't such a thing called "ppl who can't change" or "bounding environment" or "undefitable circumstances" ,try always to put in mind the model of Hijrah and how really "leaving all behind" is an option.
Having a closer look, we r all born alone, die alone, destined to be judged alone, we may be making money, yet we're spending it too, so it isn't a big deal at it seems...there is no such thing called unchangeable path, the issue is that we 'fear' changing the path

We said from a while that we are whom we like to be, how come then that this 'fear' does exist ??
BECAUSE the paths that we're afraid to take are simply based on DUTY, not on DESIRE.

Duties are the things that you "have" to do, and they are much more different from the things that you "wanna" do
you have to study
you have to be good
you have to fix this broken stuff
you have not to commit sins

Ever seen before a friend that simply "can't" lie...who dun like telling lies, who feels really bad and confused when sayin one
He dun say lies cuz they bug him, and not because "lies are smth not to be said"
He does do it not because he "have" to do it, but because it became part of him refusing it...he DESIRES not to tell lies

and in my personal view, i see the person who never said a lie because his religion holded him every time much much much more different from the guy that became simply "not able" to lie

That's why there is a duaa' sayin : "allahom azeqna halawat al iman"...think about it and you will figure out how profound it is, it's not just a duaa' for "feeling nice", it is a duaa' for a complete character change.

good luck
and have nice days
al salam alikom

Yasmine Ahmed said...

Al salam 3alikom Solide :)

Thanks 4 ur comment and I liked it so much coz I find it beneficial and soooo wise ..
I really agree with you that I need to like what I do.

Thanks again .. but I have a question..who are u?

Anonymous said...

ws wr wb

if askin about the name...it's Reda Maged anyways

Blessed Eid may u have :)

al salam alikom