One day my friend told me to send her a mail on Gmail .This mail contains an "exe" file coz it is a c# application ..The strange that it wasn't send and a message box appeared saying "The file contains EXE file ..for security reasons it won't be sent"..
While on the other hand my friends send me exe files on my Gmail..
What do u think is the problem???
Gmail doesn't allow sending neither exe nor zip files..
& therefore when u want to send any of the previous ones, either use ".rar" or change the extension to sth else .ext .zi for example..
This is supposed to be for security reasons... but I think anybody can send u exe or zip from other accounts to ur gmail 3adee..
bas keda :D
Thanx Ro2a 4 ur comment.
I think changing the file to .rar is the best idea..
coz I tried sending the file .exe from other account(not gmail) but it doesn't work..
>>What do u think is the problem???
Well, ur question suggested me an idea that I thought for a while it could be a bug @ gmail
I made 1.exe then zipped it using my own password1 to 1.zip
Then tried to open 1.zip it browse ok and I can see the exe inside but it wont extract unless I provide my password1
Then tried to upload 1.zip -> gmail still see the exe. That is good and true
Then I zipped 1.zip to 2.zip using another password2
Then tried to open 2.zip it browse ok and I can see the 1.zip inside but it wont extract unless I provide my password2 and without password2 I can't know that 1.zip contains 1.exe
No one in the world can browse 1.exe without my password2, Nor can extract 1.exe without password2 & password1
The surprise was that when I tried to upload 2.zip to gmail, Gmail still see the exe inside and provide the same warning[error]
This means one thing: That Gmail can extract our archives even is was password protected
And also means that the zipping algorithm still reversible even without the password of the archive
I tried these series of password archives 1.zip,2.zip,3.zip.......,11.zip & still Gmail error me
This means that Gmail is GaMeD
Good question(Y) & sorry for long story
Thanx for ur comment:)
but I didn't meant wasting ur time by my question..
and I think that the problem is not with the exe only ..it might be with the .zip also, so .rar wins.(y)
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