Friday, May 01, 2009

To be a programmer

If u choose to be a programmer, then you choose many things in ur life..

If u choose to be a programmer,
then you choose to have backache,
to wear eye glasses,
to have headache most of ur days,
to be under stress most of the time,
to turn crazy one day,
but you also you choose to earn lots of money(I know these days there is no money aslan and about myself I didn’t see the lots of money de :D but I am trying to be optimistic and to add an advantage to programmers)

But in spite of all that I am proud being a programmer..
Just pray for good health :)


gogo said...

b3d da kolo w proud enek programmer:D,w el floos el ktir elly beya5doha(w meserna na5odha e7na kman:D)beysrfooha 3la 3lag el se7a elly ra7et:D

Yasmine Ahmed said...

to7faaaaaaaaaaa ya gogo :D
m3aki 7a2 yadob htde3 3la al 3elag :D
rabena yostor isA :)