Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Did you think before what would you be after thirty years for example??
You will find yourself saying I will be older, I will have children..thinking of things from outside,
an imaginative person will tell you for example I am imaging myself sitting with my four children on a table, the first is a graduate from faculty of engineering and the second got 97% in Thanaweya 3ama and we are celebrating now .. my hair will be white but I am going to change its color..
Anything that makes you feel he is telling you a story..
You may ask me now..SO WHAT?? Why to imagine all that?
I will tell you we have to. We have to imagine coz imagination leads to creativity..
If you exercise yourself to imagine in small issues, you will find yourself a creative person in great issues like in your work.. a creative person will get high positions quickly because he will prove himself in work by his new ideas and when he become a director he will think of ways to encourage his employees so he will gain their love.. and other many things to imagine.
Another small example when your friend asks you "what about going out this weekend?" .. the ordinary answer is "ok but where to go ??!! " and you find yourselves going to the same place you go from four years!!
Why don't we leave our minds and think of a different thing to do or a place to go?
When Muslims became creative they will make others love Islam and will create new ways to help poor Muslims to have their rights and week Muslims to be stronger.
Leave your mind and think. Try to do it at least once a week..
Really .. am so serious .. if you tried to be imaginative and creative, your life will change to better one isA.
Sunday, October 12, 2008

The problem is not it is short or not .. The problem is how can you use it well? how to feel that you don’t regret that the day passed and have done all what you have to do in it.
I feel that I have energy and time el7amdlAllah and nothing to do..Every day is like the other not totally but most of it. I hope to do something new and of a great effect to me and others. Something that makes me feels satisfied.
Now I knew why people who have nothing to do goes to sit in cafés instead of sitting at home .. because humans have ENERGY that must be used and when they find themselves doing nothing at home they try to extract some of this energy through meeting new people, talking, playing and eating. And that’s why we get fatter as we sometimes use our energy in eating as an exercise to our mouth :D .. YES IT HAPPENS..
Really living doing nothing is a very bad feeling if it is not the worst that might lead you to the worst ever.
So Please (actually I am talking to myself) do something useful, work on your bad points to be better, use your energy and your time coz Allah will ask us about it, play sports, learn something new and READ a lot.
Hoping to know the right start and path to use my time and energy..
Monday, July 07, 2008
Supposed to be
So it is supposed to be the most important day for me this year and I want to write about it.
i don't want to write because I am happy with it but This is the FINAL.
My group was supposed to be the 7th group, but actually we entered instead of the 3rd!!
We went to the hall to know whose turn is it, and were surprised by a man calling the 7th group.
HOW, WHEN, WHERE, WHO!!! ....really I don't know.
The best(worst) things are that the presentation wasn't completely finished, one of my team members wasn't with us and was supposed to start the presentation.
We told the dr that we are supposed to begin at 12 pm, he told us to go and do our seminar with the one who told us so OR start now.
Actually it was only one option .. to start now..
I won't talk about the details, but I think we dealt with the situation.
The bad points that I want others to benefit from is
to be totally ready for ur presentation a day before ur seminar.
Every member can talk about others' parts in the presentation.
Your documentation must be perfect because there are some drs that have nothing to do except looking at ur faults in it.
Try to make a presentation with max time 20 mins coz drs have no time to hear u :S
I hoped this day would be a happy memory to remember through my whole life, but "قدر الله وما شاء فعل "
Friday, May 30, 2008
Last day studying
I am feeling about how am I supposed to feel :D
Happy or Sad...
Happy because of finishing studying,
coz there is no more tense of 5 projects supposed to be delivered in one week,
nor exams in subjects you know nothing about and not able to understand,
nor losing a friend due to working with each others was not a good idea,
and no longer boring lectures and sections.
Or Sad coz I am leaving sweet memories, great friends, and leaving a place you know well and going to another where you don't know anyone, anything ,will you be comfortable or not??
At the beginning of this year, I was dreaming of that moment, to be free and leave that college which was a great source of stress and sadness to me, but suddenly I found that this year was the best in everything, I knew new lovely friends who I love and will miss so much(they were as sisters to me, we spent sad and happy moments together and without them my life in that college would be a nightmare), and I spent sweet moments of laughing, joking and taking photos :D
And the sad moments turned to be a representation for things changed a lot in my personality. I think it taught me a lot.
We really don't know how much we love someone or something except when we leave them. And now I can say that I love my college and my friends sooo much :)
Hoping that my new life will be better isA. and none of my friends forget me as I won't forget them, and to reunion again and again.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Friday, February 22, 2008
Your Choice
Do you think what is the most thing you like?
OR what will make you benefit more?
OR what is the best of the bad ones?.. which means that you don't like them all but you have to choose..
OR you choose the thing that all around you are encouraging you to choose?.. you choose the thing that has a great reputation..
u must try to choose what u feel confortable with or what u think u can do great effort in or try to write each advantages and disadvantages to know which is better.
What if you don't feel that you care about one of the choices more than others .. and you want to pray "aste7'ara" ... What is the thing that you are going to say in your "aste7'ara"?
And if you don't care about any of your choices.. Does that mean you are not an ambitious person?
And if you are not ambitious.. Does that counts a bad point in your character?
Does everyone must be ambitious or live for the day...
I don't mean a person with no goals in his life.. but a person with simple goals .. finishes one then thinks of the next.. his goals is not easy to do but he is not looking forward to a very far goal.
This makes me thinks of the definition of ambitious.. Does it means always thinking of tomorrow and how to be better? or wants the best for his career with no matter of thinking of the very far goals..
Or the person thinking of the far goals is called a dreamer, not an ambitious.
Really don't know.........
If my words is not obvious..I will clear it in one but long question..
"In high school ,do you think of getting high marks ,then when you get it you think of the college you want?....OR...You think of the college you want then you try to get high marks?....OR nothing is better both are good and lead to the same future"
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Before you answer read these ten principles. Better yet, keep them before you daily.
(1) Never think or speak negatively about yourself; that puts you in disagreement with God.
(2) Meditate on your God-given strengths and learn to encourage yourself, for much of the time nobody else will.
(3) Don't compare yourself to anybody else. You're unique, one of a kind, an original. So don't settle for being a copy.
(4) Focus on your potential, not your limitations. Remember, Good lives in you!
(5) Find what you like to do, do well, and strive to do it with excellence.
(6) Have the courage to be different. Be a God pleaser, not a people pleaser.
(7) Learn to handle criticism. Let it develop you instead of discourage you
(8) Determine your own worth instead of letting others do it for you. They'll short-change you!
(9) Keep your shortcomings in perspective - you're still a work in progress.
(10) Focus daily on your greatest source of confidence - the Giant who lives in you!