Saturday, December 29, 2007

Strange about Gmail

One day my friend told me to send her a mail on Gmail .This mail contains an "exe" file coz it is a c# application ..The strange that it wasn't send and a message box appeared saying "The file contains EXE file ..for security reasons it won't be sent"..

While on the other hand my friends send me exe files on my Gmail..

What do u think is the problem???

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Talking about others

The worst habit is talking about others, but I am not talking now about saying the good things of them, I am talking about the bad side.
X talks about Y from his back especially if X is upset from Y .But the worst thing is that X doesn't talk only about someone but he is talking about his friend!!!

The REALLY great thing that i knew from a short period of time is....

1-That whom u talk about can be also talking about u and u don't have the right to be upset as u do the same to him.....

2-Everyone u talk about from his back ,the day will come and he knows that u were talking about .

Try to think of it for a while ... ur friend who is with u most of the time talking,sharing situations and joking once he got upset from u, goes to talk about u to others...sooo hurting;
Everyone talks about others should be shy from himself.

What should makes us stop that is to know that Allah is looking at us and that person is taking from our 7asanat.

And it is better not to talk About Y but to talk TO that Y..
but this is in case that Y doesn't know that he upsets u..

While in the other case u should pray God to forget about what is said about u and forgive him for the sake of God.

I don't say that I don't talk about anyone but I am writing to remind myself and others.

Monday, November 26, 2007

My 1st Seminar :)

El 7amd ll Allah , our 1st seminar is finished. The day was really great .We heard great feedback that made us think of the great responsibility of implementing it not only making presentations :D

Starting from the beginning of the day , my team and I went to college so early to rehearse in front of our T.A. which was sth. so important that made us ready and open to questions from the Drs except for Dr Hashem's questions :D as no one can expect it. Then Waleed (who brought us the idea of the project) came to see the last version of our presentation after the changes. And we went to see the groups whose seminars are before us to take idea about what is going on there.

And e7l we found a group that Dr Hashem (kan biet7anhom as2ela)..... I was so worried.

Then our turn... Waleed came with Dr Hamad and a video camera :D..ya7arakat

w Dr Hashem 3agabo al background beta3et al laptop w 2alena warohaly lama te7'alaso :D

we started speaking , Dr Hashem was interrupting us at first but Noha told him " mesh 3ayzen ne7ra2 al slides :D " so he stopped ,called someone on phone and went out.

e7l finished then we took photos de kesa tanya ba2a(mesh 3ayza a7ky 3nha now :D:D)

bs the 1st is done e7l 3o2bal al final yarab.

Friday, November 09, 2007

Take the time....

It is the secret of eternal youth.

It is the music of the heart.

To CRY..
It is the sign of large heart.

It is the source of knowledge.

It is the power of intelligence.

It is the key to success.

It is the freshness of childhood.

It is the breath of happiness.

Coz time passes so quickly ..and never returns..

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Need something new

When u feel not ease ,hating what u r doing ,and feeling that u don't like to give ,then u have to change.

you can change yourself,what u r doing,what u r thinking about,people u r around(if they r bad ones)but u know you can't change all around u.

But really i don't know what I really have to change...

I changed a lot in myself but feeling that I have to change more,
I can't change what I am doing as this is my college,my courses that i have no other choices to do,
I tried a to change some people around me but I failed e7l,but I think this year I love all around me(I think that God is gifting me).
Therefore,I think I have to change what i am thinking about...ok

What ba2a am I thinking about :
1-My college(I want to start studying coz midterm is becoming nearer..and the project"rabena yostor");
2-My Life(I want to drive,learn more things and be a good muslim);
3-My friends(they are changing with huge rate and I really want to know WHO ARE MY FRIENDS?)

No one can live without it,and only bad ones(who has meaningless life) who try to leave it to others.

So what do u think I can change??!!

What I have to do now is to Smile a very big large Family-size SMILE to life and begin carrying out my responsibilities and have them done to feel the joy of success "w Allah hwa al mosta3an".

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Sunday, July 29, 2007


When u find yourself sitting at home with your parents but u still feel lonely...
When u have a lot to do .. but you don't want to do anything from them ...
When go to the fridge to search for anything to eat while you are not feeling hungry ,
and when u find something you leave it and go.
When u like to sit in the balcony and look at the sky ..doing nothing but thinking about everything till u feel that your brain can't stop it..

That is is what I feel now ... it is a feeling of getting bored .I don't know if I am bored from what happening or bored from myself or bored from what ,

But I feel that I want to go out , to walk through the streets in the open air alone till I feel relief then i can come back home..but as I am a girl I can't do it at that hours :(

When sometimes I feel that feeling and talk to my mum she tells me to think about what gifts Allah gave me..and I will find them lots and then i feel satisfied and never bored..but u know when you feel bored u don't think that way.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Lessons learnt in FCIS

  1. Self Study is a must.
  2. Love what u study to do your best in it.
  3. Don't let your studies make you forget yourself ,your friends or your health.
  4. Make many friends coz you are in need to that.
  5. You can expect anything to happen.
  6. Whatever happen don't think it is the worst to happen.
  7. It is so easy to wake up all night and still u don't finish what u have to do.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Worst Situations :S

  • Doing to others things that u don't like it to be done to you.
  • Being upset from others coz they didn't do what you expect them to , while u never do it before to them.
  • Seeing your friends upset from each others and u don't try to make any step to make them return as they are.
  • Not concentrating or not letting the one speaking to you to finish his words till the end.
  • Helping people that you don't know well, while u don't help people close from you.
  • Saving time for your friends to see or anything, while your parents who wants to sit with u ,c that u are always occupied.
  • Trying to say or do bad things to ur friend just to get her attention ,while there are better things to do it.
  • Blaming others for something while you are the reason of it.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Life before and after "Google" :D

Life Before....
  • If you don't understand a meaning of a word while studying,you have to look it up in the dictionary, and sometimes you don't find it 'bardo'.
  • If you are asked about writing in a topic , you start to go to the libraries to find a book talking about this topic, and sometimes you are bored of reading it but you have to write it down, coz some books you can not photocopy it.
  • If something you heard that you don't understand its meaning ,to know it you have to ask your friends but you won't get any benefit or you have to ask your parents who might be forgetting that issue or don't know it.
  • If something is going into your mind ,you are thinking about and want to know more about, it would be very difficult to get what you want to know.
  • If you want to learn more about something,you would go to take courses or buy lots of books..God be with you;)

Life After...

  • You can check the meaning of a word that you don't understand.
  • If you are asked about writing in a topic ,you can search for it and print it.(but this won't be useful ..anyway you have done what is asked from u).
  • Anything is going into your mind ,you can get it easily.
  • Learning will be easier than before no effort in going here and there,Information is easy to get.
  • The most important point is searching for entertainments..which is funny and interesting ;)

Just feeling the importance of more :D

Monday, April 16, 2007


This is life.
I will explain it in five.
First, you have to live it,
with its pain and fun.
Coz you must accept it.
Yeah, now or then.

Second, try to care
for only those who care.
Coz you won’t bare
to feel being hurt.

Third, you must fight
To do what is right!!
Or you will be near
From doing what I fear…

Forth, it is so easy
to feel not easy.
You also can feel happiness,
but this will stay for nonsense.

Fifth and the last,
you will never last.
And through your life
you will understand
things that you won’t stand.
So try to keep cool
And live like a fool.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Keep yourself busy

Sometimes I wonder if I am a free person , doing nothing would I feel ?...Life will be too comfortable...just relaxing... :)
But when I thought about it deeply especially after I heard someone saying in front of me "thanks God for being busy"... I found that this person is right in what he said.
When you are busy you won't think about trivial things ,or about what others do and say,
you won't be sad if you don't talk to one of your friends for a long time,
you won't do what makes God upset from you, coz you are so busy to do such things.
So you won't bother yourelf.
But at the end, I don't think it is a good idea to be busy for your whole life,coz you also have to take some rest..."إن لبدنك عليك حق", as not to cut your relations with your family and friends..(you should have time to see them) , and sure their must be time to worship God.
I think keeping yourelf busy will make you relax but from inside...

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

“Kol ta27’era w feha 7’er”

I always think why people are saying this quote. But after things happened to me in the last two weeks, I was convinced with it.

The 1st situation:
It was our AI exam ”natural stupidity” :D as we call it. While I was going to our exam’s location, I met a friend on my way who told me sections from 7 to 12 will have their exam delayed after an hour and a half. As I am from section 12 “one of the luckiest sections" I was sooo nervous .I went there to argue with the Dr as we have 2 exams the next day, and we have to go home early to study for them. But as usual nothing was done for us. But a special friend to me who is from the first sections gave me some papers with written notes about the lectures. Absolutely ,I wasn’t going to study coz I was so annoyed, but after I took these papers I studied from them while waiting. But e7l thanx God and thanx my friend ,reading these notes was sth very helpful to me in the exam. So delaying our section’s exam was a good thing not a bad one as I thought first.

The 2nd situation:
I was having a lecture at 9 am.I was out from home at 8:15, but while I was on my way to the bus station I remembered that I forgot sth important at home .I was obliged to go back to get it but I will be late on the lecture.I felt somehow anxious but went back and when I was going down stairs again I found my cousin going to her college at the same time. I was missing her so much .So,we went together In the CTA and talked.And about the lecture I was late on it for about 15 minutes, but no problem our Dr. began after I came. Thanx God for making me late.

You might think that the 2nd situation is not important being late in it.But if you were in my situation and missing a person so much you will be grateful.

I think if you thought while being late in this quote , you will be so grateful to God :)

Thursday, March 22, 2007

My friends' categories

Business_is_Business Friends: They are a kind of friend who love you and like to talk to you coz they are your friends ,but once they need something related to their "masla7a" they forget about their friends at all.
To be more obvious I will give an example; If you are saying that you want both to understand sth from a person and she saw that person when you are not there she goes to understand alone although she can call her friend ,and can see this person another time..(This is a small example for many ones).

Acting Friends: They are a kind of friend who also love you and care for you too much which is a good thing,but when she does sth annoying to you she begins acting as I feel myself. I don't know why I feel this but I think she is saying things not coming from her heart,only saying this just not to make me sad , and as I feel it is not from her heart I don't feel what she says and feel that I am more annoyed. I really don't want her to act, just say what she feels or say nothing.

Forgetting Friends: This kind of friend sometimes forgets that her friend needs care from her, needs to share her annoyings ,her happiness, she won't always give without taking, and won't always hear you without talking to you.

Comforting Friends: They try not to make me upset from them .They are always hearing me when I want to talk ,when I am annoyed trying to comfort me , and although sometimes what I say they feel that it is sth not annoying they respect my feelings without telling me that I am exaggerating.

Fate Friends: People whom you become a friend to by fate, e.g. you see each others every day, sit and talk. And you might be not liking the same things or not having the same interests, but you became friends and will continue isA.

Funny Friends: They can't be called friends, coz our relation is just joking and kidding with each others no more .But, I called them my friends coz I love them and want to be their friend not just a person to joke with.

I love those six kinds of friends. And I am always here to hear them and share their feelings.

Note: Some of my friends are included in more than one category.

I only wrote this post coz I wanted to narrate annoying situations happened to me, and I thought if I say it that way, it will be better.

Monday, February 26, 2007

A Poem

I don't know the poet but I liked it.

"Don't Quit "

When things go wrong as they sometimes will;
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill;
When the funds are low, and the debts are high
And you want to smile, but have to sigh;
When care is pressing you down a bit-
Rest if you must, but do not quit.

Success is failure turned inside out;
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt;
And you can never tell how close you are
It may be near when it seems so far;
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit-
It's when things go wrong that you must not quit.

I hope I can write poems :)

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Emarates how wonerful

I won't forget this trip:)

There are 7 emirates in this country. We visited 3 (3agman,al shareka,and Dubai);but most of our wonderful visits were in Dubai.
Things came to my attention;
Most people there live in a luxurious life.
Buildings are tall and of fantastic shapes and malls are built on high level,

The most thing I liked there is following the rules, especially in streets no men standing to manage the traffic but everyone respect the rules and the traffic lights,
A very clean country neither dogs nor cats running in the street. Food is clean, there is no "3abdo talawoth" :D
People are very respectful in dealing with each others.
Every one there has his privacy.
People don't gather on free things.
But there is something strange. It is an Arabic country but you have to learn English to deal with people as app. 70% of people there are Indians.

But I love Egypt so much coz it is full of life more than any other country. That is what I feel :)

Monday, February 12, 2007

To love or Not to love…This is the question :)

I sometimes thought about it. I don't know we must love people without thinking or we have to think before that. I mean ….
! Sometimes I find that when you love someone and you find that she doesn't love you or love you but not as you do you feel that you are hurt, but sometimes when you love someone ,she loves you coz she realized that you love her…Something conflicting but it happens.
! Sometimes we say "You have to love people so they love you", but some people ignore who loves them and look for others to love.
To care or not to care;
! Sometimes you care for people who don't deserve or for who deserve but doesn't care for you in return as they are accustomed that you, who cares for them, not they care for you.

All these thinking come to my thought which makes me sometimes not generous in my feelings towards others, I really love people but I don't show that which might make others upset from me , On the other hand, I find that who shows their feelings are loved by others..

But I think nowadays people are so limited in showing caring and loving to others.One should be hard at many situations. This fact is soooo hurtful.

But as not to be understood wrongly I am not miser in my feelings towards my friends ,I am talking about others...Coz I am sure of my friends’ feelings towards me, and if I am suspected in it...I am sry to say that I do….
After all that, in my opinion one should leave his feelings towards others to be naturally without thinking. but....
Can't stop this thinking....

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Words I like, hoping it will change in my personality.

*The key to a correct direction of self is to seek the good of the group to which you are a part.
*The important part of being a manager is not what happens when you are there, but what happens when you are not there.
*Failure is an event, never a person.
*Excellence is not a destination but a continuous journey that never ends.

*Happiness has no expiration date.
*The time is always right to do what is right.
*God gives every bird it's food, but does not always drop it into the nest.
*After the game, the king and pawn go into the same box.
*When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hold on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.
*If you live each day as if it was your last,someday you'll most certainly be right.

*Count your life by smiles not tears, count your age by friends not years.
*You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.

*Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.
*Confidence, like art, never comes from having all answers; it comes from being open to all questions.
*Forgiveness is a quality great, with it in peace we live. God Himself is all forgiving, we must learn to forgive.
*The deepest feeling always shows itself in silence.
*Your smile is your first introduction.

So,tell me now which words do you like best?

Friday, January 19, 2007

Stupid replies

Many times while you are talking to someone you say something that you regret about saying it, after a while...when you thought of it later.

These are some reasons which I think it makes us say stupid replies:
1- It might be coz you are not concentrating with the one you are talking to, and then you recognize that he is asking a question and waiting for you to say something, so you say anything coz you have to guess what was the question.

2-It might be coz you didn't hear the question and embarrassed to ask for saying it twice so you say anything not related to the question.

3-If you are not interested in the conversation you are in and don't want to make the one talking to you to feel that ,so you say any stupid sentence then you think that it would be better if you remained silent.

4-If you don't understand what people (sitting with you) are talking about and then someone asked your opinion ...I think you have to replay ;)

5-If you are trying as hard as you can not to say something, then you say it coz you always think about it.

6- When you talk to two persons at the same time trying to finish one of the conversations to concentrate with only one.

I think when you feel embarrassed, you always say stupid things.

But most of these situations happen with people you don't know well, and most of them happened to me:$.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

How to be Happy?

I think being happy differs from one to one according to what he likes.
I searched for how to be happy and I found that it is done in 6 steps only which are:

STEP 1: Figure out what is important to you in life.
STEP 2: Think about times when you have felt happy.
STEP 3: Decide to make more time in your life to do more of what is important to you and makes you feel happier. To be happy, you have to make happiness a priority in your life.
STEP 4: Start with little things and work up to bigger ones. Little things might be reading for 15 minutes; taking a walk; calling a friend.
STEP 5: Focus on what is positive about yourself, others and life in general instead of dwelling on the negative. In a paper, write down as many positive things as you can think of. Keep it handy to read over, and continue adding to it.
STEP 6: Appreciate what is working in your life right now. In the major areas of your life, such as your health, job, love life, friends, family, money and living situation, what is going .

And the daily affirmation :

This was what books say;
But I also have my opinion which I want to say :)
To be happy (As my priorities)is when you feel that:
1-Allah is satisfied with what you do,
2-People love you(sure not all of them) but at least who are around you,
3-Nobody is upset with you,
4-You helped someone,
5-You are a successful person,
6-You are in a good health(To be fit).

Something that is very important is not to think of what upsets you,
in arabic "TEKABAR DEMAGAK" :D, I really need to do that.